Sunday, August 27, 2006

I Wonder...

I wonder if sharks can hear us scream. Or shriek. Or squeal. I'm afraid to go in the ocean again. My brother is DEATHLY afraid of them. Last time we went to swim in the ocean, there was a sea lion about 20 feet away from him. I mentioned to him what my friend's dad mentioned to me. I told him that maybe a shark was following it. He immediatly got out of the water. Anyway, I really wonder if they can hear us.

Katie the Queen


Jenny☻ said...

i like that

Why Cant I Drive 55? said...

I know your brother is afraid of sharks anybody could be if you are too close and they are charging

mag.nolia said...

I was only 5 feet away from a bunch of sea lions when I was in San Diego, and they were fierce!!! They bark! I'm more afraid of sea lions than sharks, but that's coz I haven't seen any sharks up close before... well, I guess you can't count the ones at the aquarium...