Friday, August 31, 2007

Tragic Accidents

I have been gone for so long. Well, since I've been gone, many tragic things have happened. Our little dog Jessie has passed on. Also, the bad dogs next door killed our momma goat, Ducky. The dogs got put down, which to us is a good thing. I know I shouldn't be happy that dogs have died, but they were so dangerous. They were two large German shepherds that could have easily have killed me or my sister, Jenny. I would write more, but it's hard talking about it...

Katie the Queen

Monday, August 06, 2007

All Better

For a couple of weeks I was not feeling normal. I was worn out and felt like I had very little energy. I also had trouble falling asleep. But now, I am starting to feel better. I've been drinking soymilk instead of milk, so maybe I am lactose intolerent. It's possible because milk upsets my sister and grandfather. Who knows, maybe it was some kind of virus. We did bloodwork and all the tests came back negative-mono, valley fever, lupus, thyroid problems, diabetes- which is great. I hope whatever it is (or was) is gone now.

Katie the Queen

Friday, July 27, 2007

IF Moon

Originally this was a painting of a building in the city at night, but I painted over the building and used pastels to make the grass and the moonglow.

Katie the Queen

Thursday, July 26, 2007

New Design

Well, I have changed my blog again. If you have been here recently, you saw the plaid header and yellow backround. I'm glad it's gone. I got the flower backround from an assorted box of cards and took it into Photoshop to add the "Katie the Queen".I am so proud!

Katie the Queen

Friday, July 06, 2007

IF Geeky

I'm off to the beach today with one of my best friends and her family. I go with them every year--it's a tradition!

Saturday, June 30, 2007

IF Twist

Illustration Friday "Twist"

I just looked at this piece this morning and thought "this will be my twist!"

Three Trees

I made this a while back, but I was very proud of myself when I made it. I used pastels and acrylics.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Bad Day

I'm just having a plain old rotten day. I should probably get a good night's rest. My mom and I went down to buy paint for my room and I was very excited when we got home. So, we tested the paint on the wall, and it is really yellow. Not neon, but not what I wanted, so I'm a little upset with that. I've pretty much been a couch potato since then. Maybe sometime when I feel a little better I'll post some pictures of my bedroom.

Katie the Queen

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Piotr's Header

A blog header I experimentally made for Piotr.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

All by Myself!

The header and little picture was made by me! I am so proud of myself. With a little help from my mom, I have a newly decorated blog for the summer. I love it, I love it, I love it!!!

Katie the Queen

Monday, April 23, 2007

Thanks Tammy!

Tammy Vitale interviewed me for a young emerging artist , so if you're interested, check it out! Hopefully I'll create and post more art. It got me inspired to do more work, but testing in school this week will definitely set me back. Well, I hope you get to see the interview on Tammy's blog(there's even a good picture of me!)!

Katie The Queen

Friday, April 06, 2007

I've Been Tagged!

I got tagged by Karen.I'm to write five things that give me pleasure, sadness, happiness, and make me angry.

1.Writing stories for fun.
3.Playing my clarinet.

1.Seeing roadkill.
2.Watching kids who could have made it, but gave up early.
3.Thinking about my differences.
4.Watching someone cry.
5.When any kind of baby gets hurt.

1.When my dad comes home.
2.When I do good on an assignment or test.
3.When my mom advances in her art career.

5.When I complain about stuff around people who don't have much.(I get mad at myself)

I'm tagging Emila!

Been Gone for Long

Well speaking of long, I cut my hair on Wednesday night. It is now a little below my shoulders. I might get bangs soon, but who knows. I woke up early this morning thinking I had school, but I have a 4 day weekend.The goats are still cute, although Gryphon is WAY bigger then Phoenix. We recently burned their horns, which stops the horns from growing. We did this for various reasons. My mom mentioned that if the get caught on the fence with their horns on a hot day, they could get dehydrated. Also, without horns they can't hurt us.Yesterday, I was looking through scrapbooks with my sister and it was fun to see myself in pictures when I was a baby. I'll try to find a good one to post. Well, I'm off to the studio to make "green" for my Illo. I also have to reply to a tag.

Katie the Queen

Sunday, March 11, 2007


Well, the baby goats have names. The brown goat is Gryphon and the little gray one is named Phoenix. The momma goat is not accepting Phoenix. She actually threw him over her back yesterday with her horns! I started crying, it was so horrible. We are now bottle feeding him. He is so funny though. He climbs on the stacks of books and plays with one of our small dogs. Right now, he is sleeping under the desk. He is the cutest thing ever! So is Gryphon, but we don't see him as much. We are going to let the momma out and reunite the two brothers. I think we are going to do that now.

Katie the Queen

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Baby Goats

Our goat, Ducky, had three adorable baby goats. One of them died(the only girl), something just wasn't right. The other two are very healthy. One is brown and one looks like the mommy.Click here if you would like to see some pictures. They are so cute!

-Katie the Queen

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Finding Water

I'm excited about participating in Finding Water! Check out the blog if you haven't already! I do my morning pages with my mom because my mom is doing this too. This might inspire me to do more art and go more inspiring places, like antique shops, art galleries, etc... Well, I'm very excited!!!

Katie the Queen

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Clown Monster

This is my favorite one.But of course there is dirt on it from my dog. I tried to erase it in photoshop, but the file wouldn't load so I said, "oh well!" and posted the original (after cropping).

Katie the Queen

Friday, February 16, 2007

6 Weird Things About Me

I've been tagged by Emila! So now, I have to write six weird things about myself:

1. When I wear jeans, the metal buttons give me a rash under my belly button.
2. I have a freckle on the top of my head.
3. When I was little, there were about two and a half years where I would wer nothing but dresses.
4. I used to eat spoonfuls of butter.
5. One year, during a basketball game, I passed the ball through someone's legs.
6. I don't get sick when I'm watching or comforting someone while they're barfing.

I'm tagging Dinah, Karen, Jenny, and Piotr-

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Cute Monsters

I've been drawing some cute little monsters. My favorite one got squished by my dog, so he needs some repair but here is one of them.

Monday, February 05, 2007


I'm sorry I haven't gotten around to making any Illustrations for IF. I got Superhero halfway done and didn't even brainstorm for Red, so I can't say I will get Sprout done but, I will try. I'm just so caught up in school , which you can say is a good thing, so I might not get around to it.

Katie the Queen

Monday, January 29, 2007

Amazing Huh?

I got this from an email-

I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty
uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The
phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde
Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the
ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat
ltteer be in the rghit
pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a
porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by
istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh?

Katie the Queen

Friday, January 26, 2007


Basketball game at school today. It was more of a slapping fight than a basketball game. The other team was a rude rude team. At one point, I turned around and smirked to the girls sitting out on the other team. I don't really care if we lost. Anyway, I am still going to post my IF: Superhero even tho it's late. IF: Red is coming soon!

Katie the Queen

Sunday, January 07, 2007

IF: Buzz

My submission for Illustration Friday. I made three different things before I was happy with what I made. My mom liked them all and wondered why I didn't, too.

Oh No

My sister's cat, Jane, has a large(deep)wound from who knows what.
Possibilities of the Attacker:
1.Bad Dogs (the two german sheperds next door)
2.Mountain Lion

My guess is the racoon because we have this cat food dispenser outside and the racoon could have attacked Jane while eating. My parents think that too

Katie the Queen

Monday, January 01, 2007

Look at this Doodle!

Just colored pencils.

Happy New Year!

Happy 2007!!! I'm sorta glad that 2006 is over, but I just got used to writing 2006 at the top of my paper. But now it's time for a new start. Wow. Just think, no more 2006 forever. Never again. That was the only 2006, and now, it's gone forever.

Katie the Queen